Sunday, June 14, 2009

Adventures At The Zoo

We went to the zoo yesterday. We enjoyed a nice picnic lunch, a presentation on small animals, and some awesome games of bingo all thanks to my husband's employer. We decided after all that fun that we should probably go and check out some animals. We saw the elephants, rhinos, giraffes, a bunch of monkeys, and a tiger. Then it happened...can you say...


Holy smokes!!!! It not only rained, it poured. I'm talking about the kind of rain that soaks through your clothes in seconds. I am not kidding one bit! We were running as fast as we could back to the car. Let me tell you, that is easier said than done with two strollers and four children running along with you. There was so much water in my shoes I could hardly keep them on!! I had three kids crying, two laughing, and the other just slept through the whole adventure.


Well, we did finally make it back to the car safely. We then proceeded to "float" down the streets of Salt Lake to get back home. I am just kidding about the floating part. Kindof.
Anyway, we did find five crazy animals at the zoo that we decided to bring home with us. Check out how cute and just a little scary they are.

1 comment:

  1. GREAT start on your blog, Shelly! To get rid of the tool things on the side, go into the layout of your blog, and delete anything you don't want there. (You can also add a lot of fun stuff!) If you're just talking about the little tools, don't worry about that... you're the only one who can see them on your own blog. They're just there so you can click on them and edit things. Everyone else will see your blog the way that you see everyone else's... does that make sense? Please ask anytime you have questions... I've been blogging for awhile, so I've figured out a lot of things. :)
